Create Your Unique Playlist

Create playlists that reflect your mood, the season, or even the weather. With eTube Music, your music collection becomes a canvas for self-expression. Create playlists that reflect your mood, the season, or even the weather. With eTube Music, your music collection becomes a canvas for self-expression.

Find some Podcast

seamlessly switch between your favorite tunes and compelling podcasts all within the eTube Music app. Your destination for a well-rounded audio experience.

Etube Featured Podcast

Green Urbanist Podcast

123 Episodes

Green Urbanist Podcast

123 Episodes

Green Urbanist Podcast

123 Episodes

Green Urbanist Podcast

123 Episodes

Premium Features

Elevate your audio experience with our premium features, offering ad-free listening, offline downloads, and high-quality audio streaming for both music and podcasts.


$12.99 /user
  • Create personal dashboard.
  • Organize your notes and workflows.
  • 5GB of space.

Pro Plan

$24.99 /user
  • Create personal dashboard.
  • Organize your notes and workflows.
  • 5GB of space.


$54.99 /user
  • Create personal dashboard.
  • Organize your notes and workflows.
  • 5GB of space.